Autor: Dr. Oliver Gliech

1. Überblicksdarstellungen

Birk, Fridolin: Guatemala - Ende ohne Aufbruch, Aufbruch ohne Ende?: aktuelle Beiträge zur Gesellschaftspolitik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, 235 S., Vervuert, Frankfurt a.M., 1995

Smith, Carol A.: The Militarization of civil society in Guatemala: Economic Reorganization as a continuation of war, in: Latin American Perspectives, Bd. 17, Nr. 4 (1990), S. 8-41

Vor 1989:

Fletcher, Lehman B.: Guatemala's Economic Development: The Role of Agriculture, 212 S., The Iowa State Univ. Pr., Ames, Iowa, 1970

Weeks, John: The Economies of Central America, 209 S., Holmes and Meier, New York, 1985

1.1. Statistiken

 Index mundi: Guatemala

 United Nations: National Accounts Main Aggregates (Database)-> Select Country: "Guatemala"

 World Bank: Guatemala

1.2. Fachzeitschriften / Periodika

cf. Lateinamerika (Wirtschaft): Fachzeitschriften

2. Sachthemen





2.1. Agrarsystem

Carey, David, jr.: Guatemala's Green Revolution: Synthetic Fertilizer, Public Health, and Economic Autonomy in the Mayan Highland, in: Agricultural History, Bd. 83, Nr. 3 (2009), S. 283-322

Galemba, Rebecca B.: "Corn is food, not contraband": The right to "free trade" at the Mexico-Guatemala border, in: American Ethnologist, Bd. 39, Nr. 4 (2012), S. 716-734

Giarracca, Norma; Teubal, Miguel: Guatemala, in: Giarracca, Norma; Teubal, Miguel (Hrsg.): La tierra es nuestra, tuya y de aquel ...: las disputas por el territorio en América Latina, 245 S., EA; GEMSAL, Buenos Aires, [2009], S. 71-98

McCreery, David: "An Odious Feudalism": Mandamiento Labor andCommercial Agriculture in Guatemala, 1858-1920, in: Latin American Perspectives, Bd. 13, Nr. 1, Latin America's Nineteenth-Century History (1986), S. 99-117

Vor 1945:

MacCreery, David Jameson: Rural Guatemala, 1760-1940, 450 S., Stanford Univ. Pr., Palo Alto/Calif., 1994

2.1.1. Agrarreform (1951-54)

García Anoveros, Jesús: La reforma agraria de Arbenz en Guatemala, Ediciones cultura hispánica, 423 S., Madrid, o.J., [1992]

Gleijeses, Piero: The agrarian reform of Jacobo Arbenz, in: JLAS, Bd. 21, Nr. 3 (1989), S. 453-80

Hamilton, Sarah; Fischer, Edward F.: Maya farmers and export agriculture in Highland Guatemala: Implications for development and labor relations, in: Latin American Perspectives, Bd. 32, Nr. 5, Maya Livelihoods in Guatemala's Global Economy (2005), S. 33-58

Handy, Jim: "The most precious fruit of the revolution": The Guatemalan agrarian reform, 1952-54, in: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Bd. 68, Nr. 4 (1988), S. 675-705

Handy, Jim: Revolution in the countryside: rural conflict & agrarian reform in Guatemala, 1944-1954, 272 S., Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Pr., 1994

Trefzger, Douglas W.: Guatemala's 1952 agrarian reform law: A critical reassessment, in: International Social Science Review, Bd. 77, Nr. 1/2 (2002), S. 32-46

2.1.2. Baumwolle

Algodón: revista del Consejo Nacional del Algodón, CNA, Guatemala, Jg. 1 (1969) -

2.1.3. Kaffee

Hoyt, Elizabeth E.: El trabajador indígena en las fincas de café de Guatemala, in: Inter-American economic affairs, Bd. 9, Nr. 1 (1955), in: Economía de Guatemala, Guatemala,  S. 291-313

Lyon, Sarah: Coffee and community: Maya farmers and fair-trade markets, 266 S., Univ. Press of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., 2011

Russell, Bill; Mohan, Sushil; Banerjee, Anindya: Coffee market liberalisation and the implications for producers in Brazil, Guatemala and India, in: The World Bank Economic Review, Bd. 26, Nr. 3 (2012), S. 514-538

Wagner, Regina; von Rothkirch, Cristobal: Historia del café de Guatemala. Villegas Asociados, 2003

Vor 1945:

Domínguez T., Mauricio: Desarrollo de los aspectos tecnológicos y científicos de la industria del café en Guatemala, 1830-1930, in: Anuario de estudios centroamericanos, San José,  Nr. 3 (1977), S. 90-114

Gallini, Stefania: Una historia ambiental del café en Guatemala: laCosta Cuca entre 1830 y 1902, 328 S., AVANCSO, Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala, Guatemala, 2009

Trümper, Katharina: Kaffee und Kaufleute: Guatemala und der HamburgerHandel 1871 - 1914, 86 S., LIT, Münster, 1996


Revista cafetalera de Guatemala: órgano de Publicidad de la Oficina Central del Café y su Junta Asesora, Guatemala, 1944-1953

2.1.4. Mais

Marsh, Lawrence C.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Phillips, Joseph M.: Production conditions in Guatemala's key agricultural product: Corn, in: Land Economics, Bd. 59, Nr. 1 (1983), S. 94-106

2.2. Arbeit

Pérez Sáinz, J.P: Etnicidad y mercado de trabajo en ciudad de Guatemala: Una aproximacion, in: Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, Bd. 16/17, Bd. 16, Nr. 2 - Bd. 17, Nr. 1 (1990 - 1991), S. 7-20

Tardanico, Richard: Employment transformations and social inequality: acomparison of Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, in: Social and Economic Studies, Bd. 52, Nr. 3 (2003), S. 119-141

Vor 1989:

Marsh, Lawrence C.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Phillips, Joseph M.: Production Conditions in Guatemala's Key Agricultural Product: Corn, in: Land Economics, Bd. 59, Nr. 1 (1983), S. 94-106

Schmid, Lester: The Role of Migratory Labor in the Economic Developmentof Guatemala, Land Tenure Center, 51 S. , University of Wisconsin, Research Paper, Madison, Wis., 1967

2.3. Dependenz

Smith, Carol A.: Beyond Dependency Theory: National and Regional Patterns of Underdevelopment in Guatemala, in: American Ethnologist, Bd. 5, Nr. 3 (1978), S. 574-617

2.4. Fair Trade

cf. Handel

Johnson, Pierre W.: Situación actual de los mercados justos en Guatemala,158 S., PNUD, Guatemala, 2006

2.5. Gold / Goldabbau

Dougherty, Michael L.: The Global Gold Mining Industry, Junior Firms, and Civil Society Resistance in Guatemala, in: Bulletin of Latin American Research, Bd. 30, Nr. 4 (2011), S. 403-418

2.6. Handel

cf. Fair Trade

Cáceres, Luis René: Exportaciones, inversión y crecimiento económico en Centroamérica, in: El Trimestre Económico, Bd. 74, Nr. 295 (3) (2007), S. 719-743

2.6.1. Freihandelszone (CAFTA-DR)

Beazley, Jennalee: With the TPP Nearing Ratification, U.S. Government Remains Deaf to the Failures of CAFTA-DR (COHA-Analyse, 2016)

Standpunkt der US-Regierung:


2.7. Handwerk / Kunsthandwerk

Díaz Castillo, Roberto: Las artesanias en Guatemala, in: Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1973-1979), Bd. 41, Nr. 50 (1979), S. 65-107

Little, Walter: Outside of Social Movements: Dilemmas of Indigenous Handicrafts Vendors in Guatemala, in: American Ethnologist, Bd. 31, Nr. 1 (2004), S. 43-59

2.8. Industrie / Industrialisierung

Dosal, Paul J.: The political economy of industrialization in revolutionary Guatemala, 1944-1954, in: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, Bd. 15, Nr. 29 (1990), S. 17-36

2.9. Investitionen / Ausländische ...

Cáceres, Luis René: Exportaciones, inversión y crecimiento económico en Centroamérica, in: El Trimestre Económico, Bd. 74, Nr. 295 (3) (2007), S. 719-743

Vor 1945:

Schoonover, Thomas; Schoonover, Ebba: Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America from the 1820s to 1930, in: Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, Bd. 15, Nr. 1 (1989), S. 93-118

2.10. Nahrungsmittelversorgung und Unterernährung

Brockett, Charles D.: Malnutrition, Public Policy, and Agrarian Change in Guatemala, in: Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Bd. 26, Nr. 4 (1984), S. 477-497

2.11. Neoliberalismus

O'Neill, Kevin Lewis; Thomas, Kedron (Hrsg.): Securing the city: neoliberalism, space, and insecurity in postwar Guatemala, 220 S., Duke Univ. Press, Durham, 2011

2.12. Recht / Wirtschaftsrecht

World Bank: Business laws / Guatemala (2014) - Sammlung der wichtigsten aktuell gültigen Wirtschaftsgesetze

2.13. Tourismus

Vargas Ulate, Gilbert: La actividad turística en América Central:Desarrollo y características, in: Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, Bd. 32 (2006), S. 9-35

2.14. United Fruit Company / Guatemala

Castelló, Julio: Así cayó la democracia en Guatemala: la guerra de la United Fruit, 164 S., Ed. Faro, La Habana, 1961

Dosal, Paul Jaime: Doing business with the dictators: a political history of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899-1944, 256 S., SR Books, Wilmington, Del., 1993

LaBarge, Richard Allen: Impact of the United Fruit Company on the economic development of Guatemala, 1946 - 1954, in: Studies in Middle American economics, New Orleans (1968), S. [1]-72

2.15. Unternehmen und Unternehmer

World Bank: Doing Busines in Guatemala (2014) - Daten zu den Rahmenbedingungen unternehmerischen Handelns

Rettberg, Angelika: The Private Sector and Peace in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Colombia, in: Journal of Latin American Studies, Bd. 39, Nr. 3 (2007), S. 463-494

2.16. Verschuldung

Pérez Jeréz, Cristóbal: Guatemala: la deuda externa y los problemas del desarrollo, in: Revista de ciencias sociales (1988), S. 99-109

2.16.1. Schuldknechtschaft

Dore, Elizabeth: Debt Peonage in Granada, Nicaragua, 1870-1930: Labor in a Noncapitalist Transition, in: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Bd. 83, Nr. 3 (2003), S. 521-559