Autor: Dr. Oliver Gliech
Castro Figueroa, Abel Rosendo: Las religiones en Cuba: un recorrido porla revolución, 146 S., Inst. Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, Univ. Jesuita de Guadalajara, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, 2008
Hearn, Adrian H.: Cuba: Religion, Social Capital, and Development, 220 S., Duke Univ. Press, Durham, 2008
Vor 1989:
Hageman, Alice L.; Wheaton, Philip E. (Hrsg.): Religion in Cuba Today. A New Church in a New Society, 317 S., Association Pr., New York, [1971]
Artikel (Lexika)
Morales Cruz, Joel: Cuba, in: The Histories of the Latin American Church, Augsburg Fortress, 2014, S. 261-278
Ramírez Calzadilla, Jorge; Ramírez Calzadilla, Jorge; Vinueza, María Elena; Wood Pujols, Yolanda; Mikelsons, Nancy B.; Rivero Socarrás, Maribel: Cuba, in: The Encyclopedia of Caribbean Religions, University of Illinois Press, Chicago, S. 197-223
Artikel (Fachzeitschriften):
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