Autor: Dr. Oliver Gliech
Bähr, Jürgen; Mertins, Günter: Die Auswirkungen von Wirtschaftskrise und Wirtschaftsreformen auf das Wanderungsverhalten in Kuba (Impacts of Economic Crisis and Economic Reforms on Migration Behaviour in Cuba), in: Erdkunde, Bd. 53, H. 1 (1999), S. 14-34
Díaz Briquets, Sergio: Demographic and Related Determinants of RecentCuban Emigration, in: International Migration Review, Bd. 17, Nr. 1 (1983), S. 95-119
O’Really Herrera, Andrea (Hrsg.): Cuba, Idea of a Nation Displaced, 360 S., State Univ. of New York Press, Albany, NY, 2008
McLeod, Marc C.: Undesirable Aliens: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in the Comparison of Haitian and British West Indian Immigrant Workers in Cuba, 1912-1939, in: Journal of Social History, Bd. 31, Nr. 3 (1998), S. 599-623
Deere, Carmen Diana: Here Come the Yankees! The Rise and Decline of United States Colonies in Cuba, 1898-1930, in: The Hispanic American Historical Review, Bd. 78, Nr. 4 (1998), S. 729-765
Vasciannie, Stephen: The 1996 Cuban Asylum-Seekers in Jamaica: A Case Study of International Law in the Post-Cold War Era, in: The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, Bd. 28, Nr. 1 (1996), S. 5-39
Aja Díaz, Antonio Julio: La emigración cubana hacia Estados Unidos a la luz de su
política inmigratoria. Centro de Estudios de Migraciones Internacionales/ CEMI. Universidad de la Habana, 2000
Chao, Raúl Eduardo: Exiled Cuba: a chronicle of the years of exile from 1959 to the present, 534 S., Ediciones Universal, Miami, Fla., 2012
Forment, Carlos A.: Political Practice and the Rise of an EthnicEnclave: The Cuban American Case, 1959-1979, in: Theory and Society, Bd. 18, Nr. 1 (1989), S. 47-81
García, María Cristina: Havana USA: Cuban exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida, 1959 - 1994, 290 S., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1996
Scanlan, John; Loescher, Gilburt: U.S. Foreign Policy, 1959-80: Impact on Refugee Flow from Cuba, in: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Bd. 467, The Global Refugee Problem: U. S. and World Response (1983), S. 116-137
Pérez Naranjo, Yamilé Lena: Cuban Migration in Germany, Diss., FU, FB Politologie,
Berlin, 2014
Cala Fuentes, Leonel R.: Kubaner im realen Paradies: Ausländer-Alltag in der DDR; eine Erinnerung, 176 S., Dietz, Berlin, 2007
Gruner-Domic', Sandra: Kubanische Arbeitsmigration in die DDR 1978 - 1989: das Arbeitskräfteabkommen Kuba - DDR und dessen Realisierung, 74 S., Ed. Parabolis, Berlin, 1997
Hoyer, Bettina: Abenteuer DDR: Cubanerlnnen im deutschen Sozialismus,in: Ila, Bd. 346 (2011), S. 55-56
Vogel, Wolf-Dieter; Wunderlich, Verona: Abenteuer DDR: Kubanerinnen und Kubaner im deutschen Sozialismus, 183 S., Dietz, Berlin, 2011