

haiti - bibliographie (20e/21e siècle)

Le séisme de 2010 et ses conséquences

Auteur: Dr. Oliver Gliech

1. Ouvrages généraux

Chaudenson, Robert: Goudou Goudou - Haïti: une année de terreurs, d'erreurs et de rumeurs, 222 p., L'Harmattan, Paris, 2010

Durán Vargas, Luis Rolando: Terremoto en Haiti: las causas persistentes de un desastre que no ha terminado, dans: Nueva Sociedad (Buenos Aires), nr. 226 (2010), pp. 13-19

Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the earthquake, 445 p., Public Affairs, New York, 2012

Fatton Jr., Robert: Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake: The politics of catastrophe, dans: Journal of Black Studies, vol. 42, nr. 2 (2011), pp. 158-85

Gauthier, Amélie: ¿Como rescatar Haití? dans: Política Exterior (Madrid), vol. 24, nr. 134 (2010), pp. 115-22

Hurbon, Laënnec (éd.): Catastrophes et environnement: Haiti, séisme du 12 janvier 2010, 271 p., EHESS, Paris, 2014

Katz, Jonathan M.: The big truck that went by: how the world came to save Haiti and left behind a disaster, 308 p., Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2013

Lundahl, Mats: The political economy of disaster. Destitution, plunder and earthquake in Haiti, 440 p., Rotledge, London, New York, 2013

Munro, Martin (éd.): Haiti Rising: Haitian History, Culture and the Earthquake of 2010, 200 p., Liverpool Univ. Pr., Liverpool, 2010

Pauyo, Nicolas-L.: Haïti: les grands chantiers, 208 p., L'Harmattan, Paris, 2012

Pohl, Jürgen: Wiederaufbau nach dem Erdbeben – Perspektiven für Haiti, dans: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Beilage zur Zeitung "Das Parlament", nr. 28-29, 12.7.2010, pp. 10-17

Prépetit, Claude: La menace sismique en Haïti, hier, aujourd'hui et demain. Pour que la menace ne soit plus oubliée, Éditions de l'Université d'État d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince, 2011

Rainhorn, Jean-Daniel (éd.): Haïti, réinventer l'avenir, 351 p., Université d'Etat d'Haïti, Paris, 2012

1.1. Périodiques / numéros spéciaux sur le séisme


Politique et Sociétés, Revue de la Société québécoise de science politique, vol. 34, nr. 3 (2016) (vient de paraître)
Thème: "Les ONG face aux catastrophes naturelles: effets sur les modes de raconter la souffrance" (contient trois articles sur Haïti)


Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Beilage zur Zeitung "Das Parlament", nr. 28-29, 12.7.2010: Haiti

Conjonction, n° 223 (2011): Le séisme du 12 janvier en Haïti

Journal of Black Studies, vol. 42, nr. 2 (2011): The Haiti earthquake of 2010: The politics of a natural disaster

L'observatoire de la reconstruction, Delmas, 2012-

Revue de la Société Haïtienne d'Histoire, de Géographie et de Géologie, nr. 241-244 (2011): n° spécial: Denis, Watson (éd.): Séisme, vulnérabilité et reconstruction nationale

Verlin, Jan; Heine, Jorge (éd.): Modes de gouvernement en Haïti après le séisme de 2010, 217 p., Cahiers des Amériques Latines, Paris, nr. 75 (2014); URL:

1.2. Bibliographie

GIGA-Informationszentrum: Haiti nach dem Erdbeben, Wiederaufbau auf fragilem Fundament. Eine Literaturauswahl aus der Datenbank World Affairs Online - WAO im Fachportal IREON (Stand: 28. Juni 2010)

1.3. Bases d'informations


Zook, Matthew; Graham, Mark; Shelton, Taylor; Gorman, Sean: Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing disaster relief: a case study of the Haitian earthquake. dans: World Medical & Health Policy, vol. 2, nr. (2010), pp. 7-33

Compagnies de réassurance:

Swiss Re: Sigma nr. 1 (2011): natural catastropes and man-made disasters in 2010: a year of devastating and costly events


The International Disaster Databank: country profiles-> Haiti

Harvard Haiti Earthquake Data Portal

Social Media/Crowd sourcing:

cf. Social Media / Crowdsourcing

1.4. Histoire (séismes aux Caraïbes depuis le 16e s.)

Butterlin, Jacques: Tremblements de terre en Haïti, in: Conjonction, vol. 64, nr. 223 (2011), pp. 19-24

Tardieu, Patrick (éd.): L'événement, 7 mai 1842. Tremblement de terre sur l'île, Kopivit-L'action sociale, Port-au-Prince, 2011

USGS: Accounts of damage from historical earthquakes in the Northeastern Caribbean, to aid in the determination of their location and intensity magnitudes U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2011-1133

1.5. Chronologie

Dillmann, Hans-Ulrich: Ein Jahr in Haiti: Chronologie der Ereignisse seit dem Erdbeben am 12. Januar 2010, dans: Ila, vol. 342 (2011), pp. 51-56

1.6. Bilan des destructions

Cavallo, Eduardo; Powell, Andrew; Becerra, Oscar: Estimating the direct economic damages of the earthquake in Haiti, dans: The Economic Journal, vol. 120, nr. 546 (2010), pp. F298-F312

Haiti / PDNA du tremblement de terre Evaluation des dommages, des pertes et des besoins généraux et sectoriels. Annexe du Plan d'Action pour le relèvement et le développement national d'Haïti, 2010

Miller, Frederic P.; Vandome, Agnes F.; McBrewster, John: Casualties 2010 Haiti Earthquake, 76 p., 2010

UNO: Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti: Key statistics: Facts and figures about the earthquake, cholera, and development challenges in Haiti

1.7. Bilan de la reconstruction

cf. Reconstruction / Bilans

1.8. Témoignages

cf. Récits / Romans

Titus, Nicole: From disaster to hope: Interviews with persons affected by the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, 182 p., XLIBRIS, Bloomington, 2012

1.8.1. Opinions des victimes du séisme sur la reconstruction ("Voices of the voiceless")

Montas-Dominique, Michele: Sim Pa Rele (If I don't shout), in: Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the earthquake, Public Affairs, New York, 2011, pp. 271-84

1.9. Séismes futurs: Risques et probabilités

Swiss Re’s Probabilistic earthquake hazard map for Haiti

2. Liste des sujets

2.1. Aide humanitaire

cf. Reconstruction / Bilans,NGOs / ONGs

L'aide française à Haïti après le séisme du 12 janvier 2010: rapport public thématique; janvier 2013, 237 p., Cour des Comptes (France), la Documentation française, Paris, 2013

Critique de l'aide humanitaire:

Disaster Accountability Project: One year followup report - Transparency of relief organizations responding to 2010 Haiti earthquake

Katz, Jonathan M.: The big truck that went by: How the world came to save Haiti and left behind a disaster, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2013

Lahens, Yanick: Failles, 160 p., Sabine Wespieser, Paris, 2010 (l'Haïti de l'après-séisme, critique de l'aide internationale)

Schuller, Mark: Killing with kindness: Haiti, international aid, and NGOs, 233 p., Rutgers U. P., New Brunswick / N.J., 2012

Thomas, Frédéric: L'échec humanitaire. Le cas haïtien, Éditions Couleur Livres, Bruxelles, 2013

2.1.1. Aide financière

Christian Aid: Haiti - Unconditional cash transfers: Lessons learnt, Humanitarian Briefing Paper, 2012

2.2. Avertissements de géologues avant 2010

Prépetit, Claude: Aléa et risque sismique en Haïti (s.d.)

2.3. Camps de déplacés

cf. Migration depuis 2010,Reconstruction / bâtiments provisoires

Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the earthquake, Public Affairs, New York, 2012, p. 140-49: Chapter "Into the camps"


IOM / Haiti: Matrice de suivi du deplacement, Version actualisée 2.0, 30 Septembre 2013, 14 p.

Liste des camps:

IOM Haiti: DTM Master List September 2013

2.3.1. ONGs / Grassroot Organizations et les camps

Campagne "Under Tents" / Haiti

2.3.2. Violence dans les camps

cf. Femmes / Violences contre ... depuis 2010

2.4. Cartes

Port-au-Prince: Dégâts causés par les séisme de 2010

U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center, 19. Januar 2010, Version 4

Shedlock, K.M.: Seismic hazard map of North and Central American and the Caribbean, in: Annali di Geofisica, vol. 42, Nr. 6 (1999), pp. 977-997

Swiss Re’s Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Map for Haiti

2.5. Choléra

cf. Système de santé / Choléra

2.6. Conséquences humanitaires

cf. Choléra, Femmes, Handicapés, Jeunesse

Kolbe, Athena R.; Hutson, Royce A.; Shannon, Harry; Trzcinski, Eileen; Miles, Bart; Levitz, Naomi; Puccio, Marie; James, Leah; Noel, Jean Roger; Muggah, Robert: Mortality, crime and access to basic needs before and after the Haiti earthquake, dans: Medicine, Conflict and Survival. vol. 26, nr. 4 (2010), pp. 281-96

2.7. Cuba / aide humanitaire

AfroCubaWeb: Cuba in Haiti (Aide humanitaire après le séisme)

2.8. Culture haïtienne après le séisme

cf. Romans

Lachal, Jérémy: Rapport de la mission de sauvegarde des archives et des collections patrimoniales haïtiennes et d’évaluation des besoins en termes de reconstruction. Mission conduite du 4 au 11 Février 2010. Rapport de Jérémy Lachal pour Bibliothèques Sans Frontières

Munro, Martin (éd.): Haiti rising: Haitian history, culture and the earthquake of 2010, University of the West Indies Press, 2011

Shockey Jr., L. H. (Hugh); Ingalls, Helen; Fallon, Rosemary: After the quake: Conservation work in Haiti, in: American Art, vol. 26, nr. 1 (2012), pp. 18-23

2.8.1. L'Art haïtien et le séisme

Dodard, Philippe: Tableaux de Philippe Dodard autour du séisme, dans: Conjonction, vol. 64, nr. 223 (2011), pp. 117-26

Middelanis, Carl Hermann: Un remède hériditaire contre le mal. Une affiche intrigante d'Edouard Duval Carié, dans: Lienhard, Martin (éd.): Afroamérica hoy, La Revista. Bulletin de la Société suisse des américanistes, nr. 72 (2010), pp. 23-27

2.9. Désendettement après le séisme de 2010

cf. Économie / Désendettement

2.10. Avertissement de tremblement de terre

cf. Prévention séisme (à partir de 2010)

Launching a national surveillance system after an earthquake - Haiti, 2010, in: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 59, nr. 30 (August 6, 2010), pp. 933-38

2.11. Documentaires

Raoul Peck: Assistance Mortelle (Fatal Assistance) (2012), 99 min., présenté à la Berlinale (Berlin, février 2013)

Pieter Van Eecke / Fabrizio Scapin: Goudougoudou (2012), présenté au 29e festival de Cinéma de Bogotá (octobre 2012)

2.12. Données géo-physiques

USGS: Earthquake Hazard Program: Magnitude 7.0 - HAITI REGION (2010): Earthquake Details

2.13. États-Unis / Intervention humanitaire et militaire depuis janvier 2010

Cecchine, Gary; Morgan, Forrest E.; Wermuth, Michael A.; Jackson, Timothy; Schaefer, Agnes Gereben; Stafford, Matthew: The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake: Considerations for Army Leaders, RAND Corporation, 2013

Sources officielles:

U.S. Southern Command: Haiti

U.S. Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA): Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response, Version 4.0. Washington DC: USAID/OFDA, September 2005

Sources (Wikileaks):

Herz, Ansel: WikiLeaks Haiti: The earthquake cables, dans: The Nation (New York), June 15, 2011

WikiLeaks Haiti: The earthquake cables (2010) -> "Haiti"


Federal Emergency Management Agency: Haiti Earthquake Response Quick Look Report, Washington, DC: FEMA, 3 June 2010

2.14. États-Unis / Organisations

Clinton Foundation

2.15. Femmes / situation des ... après le séisme

Davoren, Sarah Jeanne: Helping international non-government organisations (INGOs) to include a focus on gender-based violence during the emergency phase: lessons learned from Haiti 2010-2011, in: Gender and Development, vol. 20, nr. 2, Post-disaster Humanitarian Work (2012), pp. 281-94

Farmer, Didi Bertrand: Mothers and daughters of Haiti, Essay, in: Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the Earthquake, PublicAffairs, New York, 2012, pp. 295-307

Haiti Equality Collective: Gender shadow report: Ensuring Haitian women's participation and leadership in all stages of national relief and reconstruction. A Coalition Gender Shadow Report of the 2010 Haiti Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), s.l., 2010

Horton, Lynn: After the earthquake: gender inequality and transformation in post-disaster Haiti, dans: Gender and Development, vol. 20, nr. 2, Post-disaster Humanitarian Work (2012), pp. 295-308

Human Rights Watch: Liesl Gerntholtz: Sexual violence: Help Haiti's women (3/2010)

IJDH: Gender based violence in Haiti

Schuller, Mark: “They forgot about us!” Gender and Haiti's IDP camps, interview and translation, dans: Meridians, vol. 11, nr. 1 (2011), pp. 149-157

2.15.1. Violence sexuelle dans les camps de déplacés (2010ff.)

Aftershocks: women speak out against sexual violence in Haiti's camps, Amnesty International, 38 p., Amnesty International, London, 2011

Groupe URD (Urgence, Réhabilitation, Développement): Observatoire Haïti: Marginalisation & vulnérabilité sexuelle dans les camps de déplacés de Port-au-Prince, 2013

Louvri, Yon Je: Reducing vulnerability to sexual violence in Haïti’s IDP camps, CHRGJ, 2012

2.16. Handicapés / amputations

Organisation "Haitiamputees"

Lord, Janet E.: Disability-inclusive disaster preparedness and response: Challenges and opportunities for reconstruction in Haiti quick view, in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law), vol. 104 (March 24-27, 2010), pp. 118-122

2.17. Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC)

Avril 2010- 21.10.2011 (dissoute en octobre 2011)

Commission destinée à coordonner les efforts de reconstruction après-séisme.


Strategic Plan for the remainder of the IHRC’s mandate, december 2010

Art.: New York Times, 24.12.2012 (Rebuilding in Haiti Lags After Billions in Post-Quake Aid; contient un bilan des activités de l'IHCR)

2.18. Japon: Projets de reconstruction en Haïti

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA): Activities in Haiti

2.19. Jeunesse et enfants / situation après le séisme

Miller Beauvoir, John: Herausforderungen für die Jugend in Haiti. Essay, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Beilage zur Zeitung "Das Parlament", Nr. 28-29, 12.7.2010, pp. 44-46

Todres, Jonathan: Accounting for Haiti’s children after the earthquake: Immediate needs with lifelong consequences, dans: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law), vol. 104 (2010), pp. 122-125

2.20. Mémoire / Histoire orale du séisme

Haiti Memory Project (Oral history project about the January 12, 2010, earthquake and post-earthquake life)

2.21. Migration après le séisme

cf. Camps de déplacés, Migration depuis 2010

Bengtsson, L. et al.: Improved response to disasters and outbreaks by tracking population movements with mobile phone network data: a post-earthquake geospatial study in Haiti, dans: PLoS Med, vol. 8, nr. 8 (2011), p. e1001083

Murray, Royce Bernstein: Migration as a tool for disaster recovery: a case study on U.S. policy options for post-earthquake Haiti, CGD, Washington, DC, 2011

United States Department of State HIU (2010) Haiti: population movements outside of Port-au-Prince

2.22. NGOs / ONGs

cf. NGOs / ONGs avant 2010

Liste des ONG/NGO en Haiti (2010)

Disaster Accountability: One year follow up report on the transparency of relief organizations responding to the 2010 Haiti earthquake

European Conference for Development NGOs on the Reconstruction of Haiti Brussels, 23 March 2010: Final Report

Pierre-Louis, Francois: Earthquakes, nongovernmental organizations, and governance in Haiti, in: Journal of Black Studies, Bd. 42, Nr. 2 (2011), S. 186-202

Schuller, Mark: Killing with kindness: Haiti, international aid, and NGOs, 233 p., Rutgers U.P.,New Brunswick/N.J., 2012

Zanotti, Laura: Cacophonies of aid, failed state building and NGOs in Haiti: setting the stage for disaster, envisioning the future, in: Third World Quarterly, vol. 31, nr. 5 (2010), pp. 755-771

2.22.1. NGOs / ONGs / Grande Bretagne

Overseas Development Institute: Can disasters become an opportunity? Building back better in Aceh, Myanmar and Haiti (Conference, London, 28 January 2014): Videos


ONU / Site officiel de la MINUSTAH

ONU / Prolongation du mandat de MINUSTAH (10/2010)

Heine, Jorge; Thompson, Andrew S. (ed.): Fixing Haiti: MINUSTAH and beyond, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2011

2.23.1. Rapports actuels

United Nations: Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (bisannuel), Chapitre: Security assessment

Rapport d'août 2013, cf.Chapitre: Security assessment

2.23.2. Critique de la MINUSTAH depuis janvier 2010

Herz, Ansel (Interpress Service)

2.24. Patrimoine culturel / sites historiques / bibliothèques: Sauvegarde après janvier 2010

Kurin, Richard: Saving Haiti’s heritage: cultural recovery after the earthquake, 243 p., Smithsonian Institution, Washington 2011

Patrimoine sans frontières: Haiti, urgence patrimoine en péril. Rapport de mission 4/2/2010-11/2/2010

2.25. Photographie

Roberto Stephenson: Port-au-Prince après le séisme

2.26. La Prévention du Risque sismique (à partir de 2010)

cf. Dispostifs d'alerte, Séismes futurs: Risques et probabilités

Plan de Prévention Séisme pour le Grand Nord d’Haïti

2.26.1. Construction antisismique

Standards internationaux

Standards CARICOM (Caraibes): Seismic code evaluation, Caribbean Islands (CARICOM), Evaluation conducted by Myron Chin, Caribbean Uniform Building Code (CUBiC), 1985

Miranda, Eduardo: Lessons learned from the 2010 Haiti earthquake for performance-based design, in: Fischinger, Matej (Hrsg.): Performance-based seismic engineering: Vision for an earthquake resilient society, 2014, S. 117-127

2.27. Reconstruction

Haiti Reconstruction Fund (A partnership between the Government of Haiti and the International Community)

Gédéon, Jean: Reconstruction d'Haïti: l'extrême pauvreté; un enjeu fondamental, 156 p., L'Harmattan, Paris, 2011

Margesson, Rhoda; Taft-Morales, Maureen: Haiti earthquake: Crisis and response, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Published March 8, 2010

Pauyo, Nicolas-L.: Rebâtir l'état haïtien, 402 p., Harmattan, Paris, 2011

Simonovic, Slobodan P.: Systems approach to management of disasters: Methods and applications, 312 p., 2011 (concerne entre autres Haiti)

2.27.1. Bilans

Hidalgo, Sylvie: Inter-agency real-time evaluation of the humanitarian response to the earthquake in Haiti 20 Months After), 107 p., Interagency Standing Committee/IASC, s.l., 2011

Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti (= Bill Clinton): Can more aid stay in Haiti and other fragile settings? How local investment can strengthen governments and economies, 90 p., United Nations, New York, 2012


COHA: Post-Quake Haiti: The year in review (2011)

New York Times 24.12.2012 (Rebuilding in Haiti lags after billions in post-quake aid, Dossier)


Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti: 2010 - 2012 overall contributions from public sector donors to relief and recovery efforts in Haiti as of December 2012, in USD millions (excluding debt relief)

Office of the Special Envoy for Haiti: New York conference recovery pledges as of December 2012 in USD millions (contains: Debt relief)

2.27.2. Bâtiments / bâtiments provisoires

Centre de recherche, de réflexion, de formation et d’action sociale (CERFAS) / Haïti: Relocation and reconstruction after January 12, 2010

Remy, M.: Campaign for permanent housing solutions in Haiti. Grassroots International, 2012

2.27.3. La Reconstruction comme source de profits

The Miami Herald, 9.2.2010 (Brannigan, Martha; Charles, Jacqueline: US firms want part in Haiti cleanup)

The Nation 2011-6-15 (Post-quake 'gold rush' for reconstruction contracts)

2.27.4. Rôle potentiel du tourisme

Lengefeld, Klaus: Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Tourismus? , dans: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Beilage zur Zeitung "Das Parlament", nr. 28-29, 12.7.2010 (Nr spécial: Haïti après le séisme), pp. 36-43

2.27.5. USA / Hearings

United States / Congress: Haiti reconstruction: smart planning moving forward; hearing before the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, February 4, 2010, U.S. G.P.O, Washington, 2010

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Global Narcotics Affairs: Rebuilding Haiti in the Martelly era: a joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Global Narcotics Affairs and the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, June 23, 2011, 56 p., U.S. G.P.O., Washington, 2011

2.28. Récits / romans

cf. Culture haïtienne après le séisme, Témoignages

Prophète, Emelie: Les écrivains parlent du séisme, dans: Conjonction, vol. 64, nr. 223 (2011), pp. 113-116


Laferrière, Dany: Tout bouge autour de moi, Grasset, Paris, 2011

2.29. Religions / Théologie

Févry, Osner: Haïti n'est pas maudite: le 12 janvier n'était pas une punition; les arguments historiques, bibliques et comparitifs contre l'idée de la malédiction d'Haïti, 48 S., Impr. média-texte, Port-au-Prince, Haïti, [2010]

Germain, Felix: The earthquake, the missionaries, and the future of Vodou, in: Journal of Black Studies, vol. 42, nr. 2 (2011), pp. 247-63

2.30. Social Media / Crowdsourcing

Biewald, Lukas; Janah, Leila: TechCrunch: Crowdsourcing disaster relief, 2010

Norheim-Hagtun, I.; Meier, P.: Crowdsourcing for crisis mapping in Haiti. Innovations: Technology Governance, vol. 5, nr. 4 (2010), pp. 81-89

Articles / Journaux:

Hesse, M.: Crisis mapping brings online tool to Haitian disaster relief effort, dans: Washington Post 16 1.2010

2.30.1. Mission 4636

Mission 4636 / Site officiel

2.31. Système de santé, Maladies, Épidémies

Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the earthquake, 445 p., Public Affairs, New York, 2012 (plusieurs chapitres concernent le traitement médical des victimes du séisme)

Kolbe, Athena R. et al.: Mortality, crime and access to basic needs before and after the Haiti earthquake, dans: Medicine, Conflict and Survival. vol 26, nr. 4 (2010), pp. 281-296

2.31.1. Choléra

COHA: The Haitian cholera outbreak: A preventable tragedy?

Abrams, J. R.; Copeland, J. R.; Tauxe, R. V.; Date, K. A.; Belay, E. D.; R. K. Mody; Mintz, E. D.: Real-time modelling used for outbreak management during a cholera epidemic, Haiti, 2010-2011, in: Epidemiology and Infection, Bd. 141, Nr. 6 (2013), pp. 1276-1285

Andrews, Jason R.; Basu, Sanjay: Transmission dynamics and control of cholera in Haiti: An epidemic model, in: The Lancet, vol. 377 (2011), pp. 1248-55

Enserink, Martin: Despite sensitivities, Scientists seek to solve Haiti's cholera riddle, dans: Science, New Series, vol. 331, nr. 6016 (28 January 2011), pp. 388-89

Farmer, Paul:Haiti after the earthquake, Public Affairs, New York, 2012, pp. 188-216 (Chapter 7. Reconstruction in the time of cholera)

Farmer, Paul; Suri, Arjun; Walton, David: Cholera in Haiti: Fully integrating prevention and care, in: Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 154, nr. 9 (3 May 2011) -> "pdf"

Farmer, Paul; Rejouit, Jean-Renold: How we can stop cholera in Haiti, in: Newsweek 20.11.2010

Fisman, David N.; Tuite, Ashleigh R. et al.: Cholera epidemic in Haiti, 2010: Using a transmission model to explain spatial spread of disease and identify optimal control interventions, in: Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 May 2011, vol. 154, nr. 9 -> "pdf"

Hendriksen, Rene S., et al.: Population genetics of vibrio cholerae from Nepal in 2010: Evidence on the origin of the Haitian outbreak, in: mBio, American Society of Microbiology, vol. 2, nr. 4 (2011) p. e00157-11

Tuite, R. et al.: Cholera epidemic in Haiti, 2010: Using a transmission model to explain spatial spread of disease and identify optimal control Interventions, in: Annals of Internal Medicine 7.3.2011

Walton, D.; Ivers, L.: Responding to cholera in post-earthquake Haiti, in: New England Journal of Medicine, nr. 364 (2011), pp. 3-5

Situation actuelle (2014):

Reliefweb: Haiti: Cholera snapshot (31.3.2014)

World Bank: Haiti - Cholera Emergency Response Project (English)

2.31.2. Malaria

Malaria acquired in Haiti - 2010, Morbidity and mortality weekly report, vol. 59, nr. 8 (March 5, 2010), pp. 217-219

2.32. Terre / Problèmes fonciers et reconstruction

Levine, Simon; Bailey, Sarah; Boyer, Béatrice: Avoiding Reality: Land, institutions and humanitarian action in post-earthquake Haiti, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development lnstitute, London, 2012

2.33. Théories de conspiration

Miller, Frederic P.; Vandome, Agnes F.; McBrewster, John: 2010 Haiti earthquake conspiracy theories, 150 p., VDM Publishing House Ltd., 2010

2.33.1. Extrémistes religieux nord-américains

CNN 13.1.2010: Pat Robertson says Haiti paying for 'pact to the devil'

2.34. Traumas des survivants

cf. Société: Traumas collectifs

Mésidor, Jean Kesnold: The role of psychosocial and psychological factors on the posttraumatic growth of survivors of the 2010 Haitian earthquake, PhD (doctorat en Psychologie clinique), Directeur: Sly, Kaye F., Jackson State University, Jackson/MS (USA), 2013

2.35. Urbanisation depuis 2010

Holl, Steven; Nordenson, Guy; Schuler, Matthias; Henock Beauchamps, Jean; Smyth, Araby: New Haiti villages, Pamphlet Architecture, vol. 31, 48 S., Princeton Architectural Press, Princeton/NJ, 2011

Werthmann, Christian: Learning from Canaan, Haiti’s third largest city born in the afthermath of a catastrophe, in: Bandau, Anja; Brüske, Anne; Ueckmann, Natascha (Hrsg.): Reshaping glocal dynamics of the Caribbean. Relaciones y desconexiones, relations et déconnexions, relations and disconnections, University Publishing, Heidelberg, 2018, pp. 231-44

Werthmann, Christian; Thompson, Phil; Weissman, Dan; Brickman Raredon, Anya; Ergin, Erdem (éd.): Designing process: Opportunities for long-term sustainable Urbanization in post-disaster Port-au-Prince, Haiti (2012), URL:

2.36. Victimes / Corps des morts

Corbet, Alice: Invisibles omniprésents. Les morts du séisme, dans: Hurbon, Laënnec (éd.): Catastrophes et environnement: Haïti, séisme du 12 janvier 2010, Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 2014, pp. 29-58

2.37. Vulnérabilité

Charlier-Doucet, Rachelle: Vulnérabilité. Pour une sociologie du risque en Haïti et en République dominicaine, in: Hurbon, Laënnec (éd.): Catastrophes et environnement:Haïti, séisme du 12 janvier 2010, EHESS, Paris,2014, pp. 151-191

Felima, Crystal Andrea: Haiti's disproportionate casualties after environmental disasters: Analyzing human vulnerabilities and the impacts of natural hazards, in: Journal of Haitian Studies, vol. 15, nr. 1/2 (2009), pp. 6-28

3. Reconstruction / Régions (Haïti)

3.1 Léogâne

University of Notre Dame: The Rebuilding Léogâne Planning Workshop

University of Notre Dame: The Rebuilding Léogâne Planning Workshop: Plan de reconstruction post-séisme de la commune de Léogâne

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