

haiti - bibliographie (20e/21e siècle)

Systéme de santé / Médecine

Auteur: Dr. Oliver Gliech

1. Ouvrages généraux

Allen, Jennifer D.; Mars, Dana R.; Tom, Laura; Apollon, Guy; Hilaire, Dany; Iralien, Gerald; Cloutier, Lindsay B.; Sheets, Margaret M.; Zamor, Riché: Health beliefs, attitudes and service utilization among Haitians, in: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 24, nr. 1 (2013), pp. 106-19

Bernard, Joseph Jr.: Le marché haitien des médicaments: historique, organisation et cadre légal, 220 S., Média-Texte, Port-au-Prince, [2014]

Bordes, Ary: Evolution des sciences de la santé et de l'hygiène publique en Haïti: T. 2, Haïti: médecine et santé publique sous l'occupation américaine: 1915 - 1934, 347 p., Centre d'Hygiène Familiale, Deschamps, Port-au-Prince, 1992

Brodwin, Paul: Medicine and morality in Haiti : the contest for healing power, 240 p., Cambridge Univ. Pr., New York, 1996

Brodwin, Paul E.: Politics, practical logic, and primary health care in rural Haiti, dans: Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, vol. 11, nr. 1 (1997), pp. 69-88

Controlling STDs in Malawi, Tanzania, Bangladesh and Haiti, dans: Reproductive Health Matters, vol. 6, nr. 12, Sexuality (1998), pp. 177-78

Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the earthquake, 445 p., Public Affairs, New York, 2012 (plusieurs chapitres traitent du système de santé après le séisme de 2010)

Haiti 2000: Results from the demographic and health survey, dans: Studies in Family Planning, vol. 34, nr. 3 (Sep., 2003), pp. 216-220

Hemily, Daphne: Creating opportunities from crisis. Exploring the potential for post-conflict health care systems, 56 p., LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010

Kolbe, Athena R. et al.: Mortality, crime and access to basic needs before and after the Haiti earthquake, dans: Medicine, Conflict and Survival, vol 26, nr. 4 (2010), pp. 281-96

Marotte, Cécile; Rakoto Razafimbahiny, Hervé: Haiti 1991-1994: The international civilian mission's medical unit, dans: Health and Human Rights, vol. 2, nr. 2 (1997), pp. 117-126

Médecine, santé et démocratie en Haïti, 66 p., Sous les auspices de la Fondation Friedrich Ebert, Port-au-Prince, 1989

Nachman, Steven R.: Wasted Lives: Tuberculosis and Other Health Risks of Being Haitian in a U. S. Detention Camp, dans: Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, vol. 7, nr. 3 (1993), pp. 227-259

Saint-Gérard, Yves: L'état de mal en Haïti. Sous-développement, dominantes pratiques et perspectives médicales. Avec des études sur le SIDA, le vaudou et la médecine traditionnelle ainsi que sur la zombification, 126 p., Éché, Toulouse, 1984

1.1. Atlas

Atlas d'Haïti. Cartes couleurs accompagnées de commentaires, CEGET (CNRS). Domaine universitaire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 1985, Planche 30 (Santé)

 1.2 Informations actuelles pour les voyageurs: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health Information for Travelers to Haiti

2. Liste des sujets

2.1. Choléra

Cravioto, Alejandro, et al.: Final Report of the independent panel of experts on the cholera outbreak in Haiti, United Nations, New York, mai 2011)

Farmer, Paul: Haiti after the Earthquake, Public Affairs, New York, 2012, pp. 188-216 (Chapter 7. Reconstruction in the Time of Cholera)

 Farmer, Paul; Suri, Arjun; Walton, David: Cholera in Haiti: Fully integrating prevention and care, in: Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 154, nr. 9 (3 May 2011) -> "pdf"

Farmer, Paul; Rejouit, Jean-Renold: How we can stop cholera in Haiti, in: Newsweek 20.11.2010

 Fisman, David N.; Tuite, Ashleigh R. et al.: Cholera epidemic in Haiti, 2010: Using a transmission model to explain spatial spread of disease and identify optimal control interventions, in: Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 May 2011, vol. 154, nr. 9 -> "pdf"

 Hendriksen, Rene S., et al.: Population genetics of vibrio cholerae from Nepal in 2010: Evidence on the origin of the Haitian outbreak, in: mBio, American Society of Microbiology, vol. 2, nr. 4 (2011) p. e00157-11

Luquero, Francisco J. et al.: Mortality Rates during Cholera Epidemic, Haiti, 2010–2011, Emerging Infectious Diseases, vol. 22, nr. 3 (mars 2016), pp. 410-16

Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population, et Direction Nationale de l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement (Haïti): Plan d’Élimination du Choléra en Haïti. 2013-2022 (Port-au-Prince, Haïti, novembre 2012)

Piarroux, Renaud; Rebaudet, Stanislas: July 2016: Cholera in Haiti: Epidemic and Fight History Prospects and Recommendations, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM), 23 p., Marseille, 2016

Tuite, R. et al.: Cholera Epidemic in Haiti, 2010: Using a Transmission Model to Explain Spatial Spread of Disease and Identify OptimalControl Interventions, in:  Annals of Internal Medicine 7.3.2011

Walton, David; Ivers, Louis: Responding to Cholera in Post-Earthquake Haiti, in: New England Journal of Medicine, nr. 364 (2011), pp. 3-5

2.2. Filariasis

Miller, Max J.; Ratard, Raoult C.; McNeeley, David F.: Filariasis in Haiti, dans: The Journal of Parasitology, vol. 62, nr. 5 (1976), pp. 845-847

2.3. Psychiatrie / Maladies mentales

cf. Société: Traumas collectifs

2.4. SIDA / AIDS

cf. Centre GHESKIO / Port-au-Prince ("institution ... dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS")

Behforouz, H. L.; Farmer, P. E.; Mukherjee, J. S.: From Directly Observed Therapy to Accompagnateurs: Enhancing AIDS Treatment Outcomes in Haiti and in Boston, dans: Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 38, Supplement 5. (2004), pp. S429-S436

Colasanti, Jonathan; Nguyen, Linda; Kon Kiem, JoAnn Tjin; Deeb, Khaled; Jayaweera, Dushyantha: Disparities in HIV-treatment Responses between Haitians, African Americans, and Hispanics Living in Miami-Dade County, Florida, in: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 23, nr. 1 (2012), pp. 179-190

Farmer, Paul: Sending Sickness: Sorcery, Politics, and Changing Concepts of AIDS in Rural Haiti, dans: Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, vol. 4, nr. 1, Culture and Behavior in the AIDS Epidemic (1990), pp. 6-27

Farmer, Paul: SIDA en Haïti - La victime accusée, 414 p., Karthala, Paris, 1996

Fraser, Hamish S. F.; Jazayeri, Darius; Nevil, Patrice; Karacaoglu, Yusuf; Farmer, Paul E.; Lyon, Evan; Smith Fawzi, Mary Kay C.; Leandre, Fernet; Choi, Sharon S.; Mukherjee, Joia S.: An Information System And Medical Record To Support Hiv Treatment In Rural Haiti, dans: BMJ: British Medical Journal, vol. 329, nr. 7475 (Nov. 13, 2004), pp. 1142-1146

George, Erik, et al.: Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV-1-Infected Children in Haiti, dans: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 195, nr. 10 (2007), pp. 1411-1418

Poverty Increases Risk of STIs and HIV in Haiti, dans: Reproductive Health Matters, vol. 12, nr. 24, Power, Money and Autonomy in National Policies and Programmes (2004), p. 230

Vastag, Brian: Early Arrival: HIV came from Haiti to United States, dans: Science News, vol. 172, nr. 18 (Nov. 3, 2007), p. 275

2.5. Tuberculose

Weise, Jean: The Interaction of Western and indigenous medicine in Haiti in regard to tuberculosis, Diss., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1971

2.6. Le Vaudou et la médicine traditionelle

 Hess, Salinda: Domestic medicine and indigenous medical systems in Haiti: culture and political economy of health in a disemic society, 1983

Vonarx, Nicolas: Vodou et pluralisme médico-religieux en Haïti, dans: Anthropologie et Sociétés, vol. 32, nr. 3 (2008), pp. 213-31

Yorouba (Amérique latine en général):

Barros, José Flávio Pessoade; Napoleão, Eduardo: Ewé òrìà: uso litúrgico e terapêutico dos vegetais nas casas de candomblé jêje-nagô, 514 p., Bertrand Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 1999

18e siècle:

Weaver, Karol K.: Medical revolutionaries: The enslaved healers of eighteenth-century Saint Domingue, 163 S., University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 2006

3. NGOs

 Partners in Health / Zanmi Lasante (Haiti)

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